Thursday, March 30, 2006

Apple Strikes Back with the iPhone

Soon as I finished talking about Microsoft's iPod killer in my previous blog, I get a news flash that Apple intends to release a mobile phone and possible mobile phone service! Talk about good publicity! Apple didn't let Microsoft's news of a possible iPod killer soak in industry heads for too long. Someone over there is on the ball.

So rumor has it that Apple is looking to buy and resale wireless capacity from a major phone carrier such as Cingular, Sprint, or T-Mobile. They're also looking at developing an iPhone to complement the popular 'iLife' lifestyle. The phone could possibly include iTunes; computer docking capabilities; and a camera.

The question is... How is that different from the ROKR? Is it that Motorola doesn't want to be associated with Apple if their current mobile phone venture flops???? Hmmmm???? Well, if Apple is able to put 'mobile phones' under their product umbrella they will accomplish a tremendous shift from 'computer maker' to 'consumer electronics' manufacturer. A significant change that is in line with the way people consume technology.

Expect iPhones to debut by the end of the year or beginning of 2007.


Microsoft Announces iPod Killer!

Motorola and iPOD ROKR E2
Microsoft has officially announced that they intend to crush iPod's market share. Well maybe not in those exact words but... Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmers had this to say, "In five years are people really going to carry two devices? One device that is their communication device, one device that is music? There's going to be a lot of opportunities to get back in that game. We want to be in that game. Expect to see announcements from us in that area in the next 12 months."

I can feel Steve with that statement. Personally, I'm tired of toting around my Pocket Windows based Dell mobile PC and my Apple iPod. My mobile PC can play video and MP3 files but, the iPod is easier to use. My mobile PC syncs my Outlook email and Word files but, my iPod supports a weak calendar and contact list. Oh yeah, I also carry a RAZR phone, (Pre-built-in iTunes). Three devices that do a little bit of each but, somehow manufacturers haven't figured out how to squeeze them all together?

I wonder what mobile phone company Microsoft will partner with? Will Motorola and Apple finally get the marriage of iTunes and the mobile phone to click? It will be interesting to see what the next 12 months will bring.
