Saturday, December 29, 2007

Crave Reports that iTunes will Launch Rental Service

Okay, selling a video I can see but rental??? This is going to be a tough one. How much is it going to cost to rent a ''5 x ''3 movie or TV show. Why not just order cable??? Note to Apple: Work with cable providers to download to your device. Think "Pocket Dish". Hello people!!!!! This can be done a whole lot easier. See the PocketDish Here.
clipped from

Reports: Apple, Fox planning movie rental service

Apple is reportedly planning to get into the movie rental business and license its digital rights management technology, and it could announce a deal within the next few weeks.

Both the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal are reporting that Twentieth Century Fox Film has signed a deal with Apple to let iTunes users download new movies and keep them for an unspecified (but likely short) period of time.

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